The Swiss Stewardship Code from Experience to Action: Practical Takeaways and Strategies

May 6, 2025

In October 2023, the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) published the Swiss Stewardship Code, which provides asset managers, asset owners and financial service providers with guidance to encourage the active exercising of shareholder rights by investors in Switzerland.

One and a half year later, how is stewardship shaping the industry in Switzerland and abroad?

We invite you to join our upcoming conference “The Swiss Stewardship Code from Experience to Action: Practical Takeaways and Strategies”, featuring insights from asset managers, asset owners, service providers and companies.


18:00 - 18:05
Welcoming Remarks

Adrian Schatzmann, CEO, Asset Management Association Switzerland

18:05 - 18:20
Contributions from AMAS & SSF

Katja Brunner, Director Legal & Regulatory, Swiss Sustainable Finance
Aurélia Fäh, Senior Sustainability Expert, Asset Management Association Switzerland

18:20 - 18:35
Keynote: Driving sustainable transformation through value chain engagement

Katelijn van den Berg, Sustainability Manager, Schindler

18:35 - 19:05
One year later: Implementing the Code - an investor’s perspective

Michael Haene, Senior Strategist, City of Zurich Pension Fund
Rocchino Contangelo, Head of Research, Swisscanto by Zurcher Kantonalbank

19:05 - 19:35
Panel presentations and discussions: Implementing the Code - one year down the road

Jérôme Spichiger, Finance Specialist, Caisse de Prévoyance de l'Etat de Genève
Rebeca Coriat, Head of Stewardship, Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Christoph Wenk, Senior Partner, SWIPRA
Katelijn van den Berg, Sustainability Manager, Schindler

19:35 - 19:40
Closing Remarks

Sabine Döbeli, CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance



Fraumünsterstrasse 12, Zürich
8001 Zürich



Asset Management Association Switzerland
Aurélia Fäh
Tel. +41 61 278 98 00